Friday, April 9, 2010

Labor & Delivery

Hello all :) I have 4 followers now! How exciting :)

Jaliyah is here, she arrived April 6th, 2010 at 10:03pm. Weighing in at 7 lbs 10 oz and 22 inches long, here is my baby girl..

We got to the hospital at 7:30am and I was started on Pitocin at 8:30am. My contractions started immediately but were not painful by any means. At 12:30pm I was only 1.5 cm dilated so my DR broke my water. Ohhhhh man here came the contractions! It was so sudden and they were one on top of another, nothing like I ever imagined. I tried really hard to deal with it but I couldn't take it, I opted for an epidural at 3:30pm when I was 3 cm dilated. It's really amazing how no matter how much pain you are in, you can sit still for those 8 minutes magically haha.

I tried to sleep, but I couldn't. I only got shut eye for about 30 minutes, I was just too anxious - not to mention there was like 10 people in the room with me. Around 8:00pm the pressure became intense. I always thought the epidural shielded you from all pain - nope! It helped with contraction pain but not the pressure of my little girl moving down. It became incredibly unbearable and I asked to be checked. Soon as my nurse checked me, she said "Oh wow, I'll get the delivery table ready." I freaked! I became so nervous, I cried haha. I had so many emotions going through my mind - I was going to be a mom! Anyways - I started pushing at 9:10pm and my baby girl made her appearance at 10:03pm. No episiotomy, but I did tear slightly.

All in all, I had a wonderful experience with my first labor and delivery. It was amazing. We are home now and the first night went pretty well, I'll be updating on all of our sleepless nights!

Next post will be pictures. Bye all.


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