Thursday, July 22, 2010

Diapers, Diapers, Diapers

Jaliyah rolled over for the first time on the 20th! I was sooo proud lol I went shopping to start stocking up on fall/winter clothes for Jaliyah - Kohl's was having a 50% off sale! I will post a picture haul when I get home tomorrow night. I &heart; baby jeans!

In an attempt to save some money I have been testing out store brand diapers. I first tried Walgreens because they were the closest at the time. They gave her pretty bad diaper rash so I stopped with those and went back to my Huggies. Well I heard (from several people) that Target was a good plane for store brand diapers. They fit wonderfully and are cheeeeeappp, but they broke my lil babies butt out again. So back to Huggie's I go. Oh well, we tried.

P.S. - There's a social parade going on! Get your blog noticed :)
Smart and Trendy Moms


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