Monday, August 2, 2010

1001 Healthy Baby Answers

I was lucky enough to get sent a copy of 1001 Healthy Baby Answers by Dr. Gary C. Morchower. The subtitle on the book reads "Find authoritative answers for everything from anemia to seizures and much more" and that's the best description for the book! From front cover to back cover there are answers to all the questions you forgot to ask your child's pediatrician. I know (atleast in my experience, which could be just because I have a terrible memory) I don't think of all the questions I should or want to ask when I take Jaliyah to the DR.

To be honest, I didn't think I was going to like it because when you open the book, the first topic is Brachial Plexus Palsy ... uhm..what?! I was thinking it was going to be a bunch of DR terms that I wouldn't understand anyways. But in was the complete opposite. Almost every condition is talked about in this factual book and it's trusted information written by real DR's. It would be pretty cool if the book had an index of symptoms that you could look up to help reference to one of the topics.

I noticed that many of the conditions discussed in the book are for toddlers and older children as well, so it's definitely a book that can be referenced back to throughout raising your babies :) Everything is explained throughout and they really thought of every question a mother would want the answers too. I totally recommend this book - it retails for $16.95 in the U.S.


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